Performances"A combination of Robin Williams, Pete Seeger and,,,,,, Captain Kangaroo"
Hardily told stories, joyfully sung songs, and fascinating musical instruments from around the world. Woven together entertaining bag full of tricks and skills, a playful touch of audience participation, and a message of caring for our planet and each other. Geared to the wit and intellect of each age group: adults, young adults, pre-school, elementary, junior and senior high schools and family audiences. Schools Since 1983, former classroom teacher, John, has used the arts of storytelling and music to empower students to truly care, work hard, take healthy risks, foster a love of language and celebrate life. Learn more... Families Since 1983 weaving stories, songs and music that celebrate the magic of reading a good book, tickle life’s funny bone, touch the heart and give a little boost to our hero’s journey. Learn more... Adults Humorous and truthful windows into our wonderful and wacky world. Reminders; despite the inevitable bumps, of life’s goodness. Learn more... |